Month: September 2016

Hinkley C – what’s really going on

Driving forces

The main driving force behind re-booting and re-vamping nuclear as a source of low-carbon energy is the Climate Change Act.  This did not happen overnight; in fact, it took 20 years of talks and debates to reach a final agreement in Paris; in the end close to 200 countries signed. The main target of the deal is to reach near zero carbon emissions by 2050 (80% reduction), subsequently diminishing climate change and the dangerous effects of this modern phenomenon.

The methods used to achieve this 80% reduction are set by each country; putting the onus on governments to decide on their solutions for carbon emissions.  Some have opted to invest heavily in new technologies that harvest natural resources such as; solar, wind, and tidal.  Others have looked to the past and for methods that don’t rely on the sun shining or the wind blowing, this being nuclear.


5 great reasons to hold work fundraisers

The Basics

In the main charities depend upon donations and fundraising events to generate their income.  Positivity is a two-way street and the generosity displayed by the general public and businesses really does have a positive impact on people’s lives (this is obvious). Oxfam, for instance, had a positive impact on the lives of 11.6 million people last year, this wouldn’t have been possible without donations!  So why not take advantage and get involved?

Here are 5 reasons to start fundraising;


Corporate Social Responsibility – Origins & Implementation

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept and roots

The Financial Times defines Corporate Social Responsibility as; “a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.”  Many people believe that businesses should help with social issues as they have the means to do so.

Over the decades this concept has continued to develop since first emerging before WWII with examples going back to the Victorian era (the Cadburys family).  The idea guides businesses to not only think about their employees and customers but society as a whole